To receive your ballot by mail, the application MUST be received by the County Clerk 7 days prior to the election for your ballot to be mailed, however, a voter may apply in person to the County Clerk’s Office until 3:00 p.m., the day before the election.
The County Clerk CANNOT accept faxed or emailed copies of a Application for Vote by Mail Ballot, unless you are a Military or Overseas Voter, since an original signature is required.
- You must be a registered voter in order to apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot.
- Once you apply for a Vote by Mail Ballot, you will not be permitted to vote by machine at your polling place in the same election.
- You will receive instructions with your ballot.
- Your Mail-In Ballot must be POSTMARKED by the date of the election and RECEIVED by the County Board of Election within 144 hours (6 Days) of Election Day.
- Do not submit more than one application for the same election.
- You must apply for a Mail-In Ballot for each election, unless you designate otherwise under Section 1

Who can vote by mail?
Any ACTIVE registered voter can vote by mail. You can use the NJ Division of Elections Voter Search tool or contact the office of the Superintendent of Elections to determine your registration status.
NOTE: If you are using the NJ Division of Election search tool
The online look up tool will not work if the name entered does not EXACTLY match the county records.
- Does you last name have a hyphen or space? McDonald may be entered by the county as Mc Donald
- Was there a hyphen added or last name changed due to marriage?
- The online look up may not work if a middle initial is used to search and the county doesn’t have a middle name on the registration
- Nicknames won’t match: Kate won’t match Katherine, Jim won’t match James, etc.
What is the difference between Absentee and Vote by Mail ballot?
The term “absentee” was changed in 2009 and replaced by the Vote by Mail Ballot law that allowed a voter to request a ballot by mail for any reason.
Where can I get an application?
You can get an application at:
- Your County Clerk’s Office
- Your Municipal Clerk’s Office
- You can download an application by clicking one of the following links: English or Spanish
Can someone help me complete the application?
Yes, someone may help you complete your application. This person MUST complete Section 10. You MUST still sign the application

Can I apply for a vote by mail ballot for someone else?
No, only the voter can apply. The application MUST have an original signature, as it appears in the poll books.
What if my signature has changed?
You can update your signature by completing a new Voter Registration Application and select “Signature Update” in Section 1 and mail it to the Superintendent of Elections. For more information on voter registration click here.

What if I make a mistake, damage, or lose my Vote by Mail Ballot?
If you have NOT returned your ballot, you may request a replacement Vote by Mail ballot by completing an Affidavit to Request Duplicate Ballot and return the document to our office either in-person or by mail.
Where can I return by Vote by Mail?
You can return your Vote by Mail ballot through one of the following options:
- Ballot Drop Box (Vote by Mail ballot MUST be placed inside no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day)
- By Mail (Vote by Mail ballot MUST be postmarked no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day, postage required.)
- Board of Elections (Vote by Mail ballot MUST be delivered to the County Board of Elections office by 8:00 p.m. Election Day)
How do I request to stop receiving a Vote by Mail ballot for future elections?
You must complete an Opt-Out form and return it our office either in-person or by mail. You will need to return the request no later than 60 days before an election for you to be removed and be able to vote in-person early or on election day on a machine.
If I have applied for a Vote by Mail ballot but did not return my Vote by Mail ballot, can I vote at the polls?
No, once you apply for a Vote by Mail ballot, you will NOT be permitted to vote by machine at your polling location in the same election. You may vote by provisional ballot at the polls.